

In between the vast solicitous sea

and the great promiscuous sky,

I stood as an addled loner,

brooding over whom should I go with.

As a little child, I have always

been pampered by the loving wavelets.

Showed me the whole seashore

and taught me how to swipe away

the messy cobbles of life.

And the enchantment of singing waves

cheered up the baby girl in me.

Now, I am away from the sea,

looking at the doting sky

who showed me the colours

that no one have ever unveiled for me.

I could hear his voice

in the thunderclap

and his kisses drizzled

on my coying cheeks.

But there stands the sea,

with her arms calling for me

to have her love at the depths.

And afar, my cloudy sky

calls for me with all his heartbeats.

Today, I see only dusks before me

Where I am standing amid

the vast sea and the great sky.

Let me ask you..

Whom should I go with?

Image Credits: Google

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